Source code for graphlite.transaction

from contextlib import closing
import graphlite.sql as SQL

class AbortSignal(Exception):
    Signals that the transaction has been aborted.

[docs]class Transaction(object): """ Represents a single, atomic transaction. All calls are delayed jobs- they do not execute until the transaction is committed. :param db: An SQLite connection. :param lock: A threading.RLock instance. """ def __init__(self, db, lock): self.db = db self.lock = lock self.ops = []
[docs] def store(self, edge): """ Store an edge in the database. Both the source and destination nodes must be specified, as well as the relation. :param edge: The edge. """ self.ops.append((, edge))
[docs] def delete(self, edge): """ Deletes an edge from the database. Either the source node or destination node `may` be specified, but the relation has to be specified. :param edge: The edge. """ self.ops.append((SQL.remove, edge))
[docs] def abort(self): """ Raises an ``AbortSignal``. If you used the ``Graph.transaction`` context manager this exception is automatically caught and ignored. """ raise AbortSignal
[docs] def defined(self): """ Returns true if there are any internal operations waiting to be performed when the commit method is called. """ return bool(self.ops)
[docs] def perform_ops(self, cursor): """ Performs the stored operations on the given cursor object. :param cursor: The SQLite.Cursor object. """ cursor.execute('BEGIN') for operation, edge in self.ops: cursor.execute(*operation( src=edge.src, rel=edge.rel, dst=edge.dst, ))
[docs] def commit(self): """ Commits the stored changes to the database. Note that you `do not` have to call this function if you used the ``Graph.transaction`` context manager, or the transaction will be committed twice. """ with self.lock: try: cursor = self.db.cursor() with closing(cursor): self.perform_ops(cursor) self.db.commit() except: self.db.rollback() raise