Source code for graphlite.query

from contextlib import closing
from itertools import islice
import graphlite.sql as SQL

class V(object):
    __slots__ = ('src', 'rel', 'dst')

    Create a new V object that represents an edge. This
    object is expected throughout the API where the
    parameter is named `edge`. All parameters are optional
    and default to None.

    :param src: The source node.
    :param rel: The relation.
    :param dst: The destination node.
    def __init__(self, src=None, rel=None, dst=None):
        self.src = src
        self.rel = rel
        self.dst = dst

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        If the attribute being requested is found in the
        ``__slots__`` attribute, then return the actual
        thing, else assign the attribute as an internally
        stored relation.

        :param attr: The attribute.
        values = self.__slots__
        if attr in values:
            return values[attr]
        self.rel = attr
        return self

    def __call__(self, dst):
        Assign a destination node to the edge.

        :param dst: The destination node.
        self.dst = dst
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        return '(%s)-[%s]->(%s)' % (
            '*' if self.src is None else self.src,
            '*' if self.rel is None else ':%s' % (self.rel),
            '*' if self.dst is None else self.dst,

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Checks for equality between the edge and
        another object- the other object needn't
        be an edge.

        :param other: The other thing.
        if not isinstance(other, V):
            return False
        return (self.src == other.src and
                self.rel == other.rel and
                self.dst == other.dst)

    def __hash__(self):
        Uses Python's tuple hashing algorithm to
        hash the internal source, relation, and
        destination nodes.
        return hash((self.src, self.rel, self.dst))

[docs]class Query(object): """ Create a new query object that acts on a particular SQLite connection instance. :param db: The SQLite connection. """ def __init__(self, db, sql=tuple(), params=tuple()): self.db = db self.sql = sql self.params = params def __iter__(self): """ Execute the internally stored SQL query and then yield every result to the caller. You can reuse this function as many times as you want but it is not deterministic. """ statement = '\n'.join(self.sql) with closing(self.db.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute(statement, self.params) for item in cursor: yield item[0]
[docs] def derived(self, statement, params=tuple()): """ Returns a new query object set up correctly with the current query object's statements and parameters appended to the start of the new one. :param statement: The SQL statements to append. :param params: The parameters to append. """ return Query(db=self.db, sql=self.sql + (statement,), params=self.params + params)
def __call__(self, edge): """ Selects either destination nodes or source nodes based on the edge query provided. If source node is specified, then destination nodes are selected, and vice versa. :param edge: The edge query. """ src, rel, dst = edge.src, edge.rel, edge.dst return self.derived(*( SQL.forwards_relation(src, rel) if dst is None else SQL.inverse_relation(dst, rel) ))
[docs] def traverse(self, edge): """ Traverse the graph, and selecting the destination nodes for a particular relation that the selected nodes are a source of, i.e. select the friends of my friends. :param edge: The edge object. If the edge's destination node is specified then the source nodes will be selected. """ query = '\n'.join(self.sql) rel, dst = edge.rel, edge.dst statement, params = ( SQL.compound_fwd_query(query, rel) if dst is None else SQL.compound_inv_query(query, rel, dst) ) instance = Query(self.db) instance.sql = (statement,) instance.params = self.params + params return instance
[docs] def intersection(self): """ Intersect the current query with another one. The method doesn't process the objects in a loop/set but uses an SQL query. """ return self.derived('INTERSECT')
[docs] def difference(self): """ Compute the difference between the current selected nodes and the another query, and explicitly not a `symmetric difference`. Similar to the :meth:``Query.intersection`` """ return self.derived('EXCEPT')
[docs] def union(self): """ Compute the union between the current selected nodes and another query. Similar to the :meth:``Query.intersection``. """ return self.derived('UNION')
[docs] def count(self): """ Counts the objects returned by the query. You will not be able to iterate through this query again (with deterministic results, anyway). """ return sum(1 for __ in self)
def __getitem__(self, sl): """ Only supports slicing operations, and returns an iterable with the slice taken into account. :param sl: The slice object. """ return islice(self, sl.start, sl.stop, sl.step)